The study of superconductivity in compressed hydrides is of great interest due to measurements of high critical temperatures (Tc) in the vicinity of room temperature, beginning with the observations of LaH10 at 170-190 GPa. However, the pressures required for synthesis of these high Tc superconducting hydrides currently remain extremely high. Here we show the investigation of crystal structures and superconductivity in the La-B-H system under pressure with particle-swarm intelligence structure searches methods in combination with first-principles calculations.
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Superconductivity has been the focus of enormous research effort since its discovery more than a century ago. Yet, some features of this unique phenomenon remain poorly understood; prime among these is the connection between superconductivity and chemical/structural properties of materials. To bridge the gap, several machine learning schemes are developed herein to model the critical temperatures (Tc) of the 12,000+ known superconductors available via the SuperCon database. Materials are first divided into two classes based on their Tc values, above and below 10 K, and a classification model predicting this label is trained. The model uses coarse-grained features based only on the chemical compositions. It shows strong predictive power, with out-of-sample accuracy of about 92%.
This study employs the SuperCon dataset as the largest superconducting materials dataset. Then, we perform various data pre-processing steps to derive the clean DataG dataset, containing 13,022 compounds. In another stage of the study, we apply the novel CatBoost algorithm to predict the transition temperatures of novel superconducting materials. In addition, we developed a package called Jabir, which generates 322 atomic descriptors. We also designed an innovative hybrid method called the Soraya package to select the most critical features from the feature space. These yield R2 and RMSE values (0.952 and 6.45 K, respectively) superior to those previously reported in the literature. Finally, as a novel contribution to the field, a web application was designed for predicting and determining the Tc values of superconducting materials.
These are the predictions made by a model that was trained on materials with max Tc of 90 K. Here we show how well it could predict a material (Ba2Ca1Cu2Hg1O6.24-MP-mp-6879-synth_doped) with a Tc greater than this range.
Looking at the model predictions for the 200 K above Tc to get to room temperature, we see consistent and stable predictions for the non-superconducting state.