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While underestimating, Ba2Ca2Cu3Tl2O10-MP-mp-1228620 has a pretty decent phase change which relatively high certainties on both sizes of Tc.
Phase diagrams (temperature versus chemical doping or pressure) for four classes of superconductors: hole-doped cuprates like YBa2Cu3O6+x (upper left) [26], κ-(ET)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl, a 2D-organic (upper right) [27], heavy fermion CeRhIn5 (lower left) [28], and an iron pnictide, Co-doped BaFe2As2 (lower right) [29].
Looking at the model predictions for the 200 K above Tc to get to room temperature, we see consistent and stable predictions for the non-superconducting state.
Unconfirmed new high-Tc superconductor generated by MatterGen. Estimated to have a critical temperature around 113 K.