This work presents Neural Equivariant Interatomic Potentials (NequIP), an E(3)-equivariant neural network approach for learning interatomic potentials from ab-initio calculations for molecular dynamics simulations.
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The 2nd generation of our atoms-in-molecules neural network potential (AIMNet2), which is applicable to species composed of up to 14 chemical elements in both neutral and charged states, making it a valuable method for modeling the majority of non-metallic compounds. Using an exhaustive dataset of 2 x 107 hybrid DFT level of theory quantum chemical calculations, AIMNet2 combines ML-parameterized short-range and physics-based long-range terms to attain generalizability that reaches from simple organics to diverse molecules with “exotic” element-organic bonding.
Here we present the Crystal Hamiltonian Graph Neural Network (CHGNet), a graph neural network-based machine-learning interatomic potential (MLIP) that models the universal potential energy surface. CHGNet is pretrained on the energies, forces, stresses and magnetic moments from the Materials Project Trajectory Dataset, which consists of over 10 years of density functional theory calculations of more than 1.5 million inorganic structures.
Here, we report a universal IAP for materials based on graph neural networks with three-body interactions (M3GNet). The M3GNet IAP was trained on the massive database of structural relaxations performed by the Materials Project over the past 10 years and has broad applications in structural relaxation, dynamic simulations and property prediction of materials across diverse chemical spaces. Chi Chen & Shyue Ping Ong Preprint version from arXiv
Authors present MatterSim, a deep learning model actively learned from large-scale first-principles computations, for efficient atomistic simulations at first-principles level and accurate prediction of broad material properties across the periodic table, spanning temperatures from 0 to 5000 K and pressures up to 1000 GPa.