Update Catalog Item
Required. The catalog item ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`.
URL pointing to the location of the catalog item on your website. Expects string.
This field can be used to set the price on the catalog item, which is what gets displayed for the item when included in emails. For most price-update use cases, you will also want to update the `price` on any child variants, using the [Update Catalog Variant Endpoint](https://developers.klaviyo.com/en/reference/update_catalog_variant). Expects number.
The title of the catalog item. Expects string.
List of URLs pointing to the locations of images of the catalog item. Expects array.
Boolean value indicating whether the catalog item is published. Expects boolean.
A description of the catalog item. Expects string.
URL pointing to the location of a full image of the catalog item. Expects string.
URL pointing to the location of an image thumbnail of the catalog item Expects string.
Expects string.
The catalog item ID is a compound ID (string), with format: `{integration}:::{catalog}:::{external_id}`. Currently, the only supported integration type is `$custom`, and the only supported catalog is `$default`. Expects string.
Expects array.
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