Open research towards the discovery of room-temperature superconductors.
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So far a really interesting paper. Published in 2018. Adding some informal notes and interesting findings here. Finding out how much literature is based on this study.
Superconductivity has been the focus of enormous research effort since its discovery more than a century ago. Yet, some features of this unique phenomenon remain poorly understood; prime among these is the connection between superconductivity and chemical/structural properties of materials. To bridge the gap, several machine learning schemes are developed herein to model the critical temperatures (Tc) of the 12,000+ known superconductors available via the SuperCon database. Materials are first divided into two classes based on their Tc values, above and below 10 K, and a classification model predicting this label is trained. The model uses coarse-grained features based only on the chemical compositions. It shows strong predictive power, with out-of-sample accuracy of about 92%.
The framework highlights 35 compounds with predicted Tc’s above 20 K for experimental validation. Of these, some exhibit interesting chemical and structural similarities to cuprate superconductors, demonstrating the ability of the ML models to identify meaningful patterns in the data. In addition, most materials from the list share a peculiar feature in their electronic band structure: one (or more) flat/nearly-flat bands just below the energy of the highest occupied electronic state. The associated large peak in the density of states (infinitely large in the limit of truly flat bands) can lead to strong electronic instability, and has been discussed recently as one possible way to high-temperature superconductivity.33,34
we develop several ML methods modeling Tc from the complete list of reported (inorganic) superconductors.18 In their simplest form, these methods take as input a number of predictors generated from the elemental composition of each material. Models developed with these basic features are surprisingly accurate, despite lacking information of relevant properties, such as space group, electronic structure, and phonon energies. To further improve the predictive power of the models, as well as the ability to extract useful information out of them, another set of features are constructed based on crystallographic and electronic information taken from the AFLOW Online Repositories.
Random forest models, but no mention of gradient boosting models like XGBoost or CatBoost 💀. With better modeling, perhaps we could squeeze out better performance that matters.
Once we have a list of relevant predictors, various ML models can be applied to the data.51,52 All ML algorithms in this work are variants of the random forest method.53
After reading more of the literature, I've found that this paper was really the starting point for ML prediction of Tc, and since the release in 2018, a number of groups have improved both the dataset and modeling (including XGB and GNNs).
For 4000 “low-Tc” superconductors (i.e., non-cuprate and non-iron-based), Tc is plotted vs. the a) average atomic weight, b) average covalent radius, and c) average number of d) valence electrons. Having low average atomic weight and low average number of d) valence electrons are necessary (but not sufficient) conditions for achieving high Tc in this group. d) Scatter plot of Tc for all known superconducting cuprates vs. the mean number of unfilled orbitals. c), d) suggest that the values of these predictors lead to hard limits on the maximum achievable Tc
Through feature importance and interpretation, we can perhaps learn the mechanisms behind the superconductivity. While some feature correlated to does not imply causation, it does give us insight into further research.
Differences in important predictors across the family-specific models reflect the fact that distinct mechanisms are responsible for driving superconductivity among these groups. The list is longest for the low-Tc superconductors, reflecting the eclectic nature of this group. Similar to the general regression model, different branches are likely created for distinct sub-groups. Nevertheless, some important predictors have straightforward interpretation. As illustrated in Fig. 5a, low average atomic weight is a necessary (albeit not sufficient) condition for achieving high Tc among the low-Tc group. In fact, the maximum Tc for a given weight roughly follows . Mass plays a significant role in conventional superconductors through the Debye frequency of phonons, leading to the well-known formula , where is the ionic mass (see, for example, refs. 56,57,58). Other factors like density of states are also important, which explains the spread in Tc for a given . Outlier materials clearly above the line include bismuthates and chloronitrates, suggesting the conventional electron-phonon mechanism is not driving superconductivity in these materials. Indeed, chloronitrates exhibit a very weak isotope effect,59 though some unconventional electron-phonon coupling could still be relevant for superconductivity.60 Another important feature for low-Tc materials is the average number of valence electrons. This recovers the empirical relation first discovered by Matthias more than 60 years ago.61 Such findings validate the ability of ML approaches to discover meaningful patterns that encode true physical phenomena.
Whereas previous investigations explored several hundred compounds at most, this work considers >16,000 different compositions. These are extracted from the SuperCon database, which contains an exhaustive list of superconductors, including many closely related materials varying only by small changes in stoichiometry (doping plays a significant role in optimizing Tc).
Added negative samples to the training data to try and learn about the features that prevent superconductivity:
training a model only on superconductors can lead to significant selection bias that may render it ineffective when applied to new materials (N.B., a model suffering from selection bias can still provide valuable statistical information about known superconductors). Even if the model learns to correctly recognize factors promoting superconductivity, it may miss effects that strongly inhibit it. To mitigate the effect, we incorporate about 300 materials found by H. Hosono’s group not to display superconductivity.35
Learning more about academia/research, it's interesting to find notes like this. Industry definitely has this too, but I think there's much more emphasis on letting the model do the work that gives us an advantage. In DS, feature engineering and feature selection are core to the work, but it seems more of an afterthought in the materials world (broad generalization).
Large sets of independent variables can be constructed and rigorously filtered by predictive power (rather than selecting them by intuition alone). These advances are crucial to uncovering insights into the emergence/suppression of superconductivity with composition.
a) Histogram of materials categorized by Tc (bin size is 2 K, only those with finite Tc are counted). Blue, green, and red denote low-Tc, iron-based, and cuprate superconductors, respectively. In the inset: histogram of materials categorized by ln(Tc) restricted to those with Tc > 10 K. b) Performance of different classification models as a function of the threshold temperature (Tsep) that separates materials in two classes by Tc. Performance is measured by accuracy (gray), precision (red), recall (blue), and F1 score (purple). The scores are calculated from predictions on an independent test set, i.e., one separate from the dataset used to train the model. In the inset: the dashed red curve gives the proportion of materials in the above-Tsep set. c) Accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score as a function of the size of the training set with a fixed test set. d) Accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 as a function of the number of predictors
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Some notes as I read:
Using what we learned when trying to use the MLFF's latent space for Tc prediction, there's a way we can simplify things for the prediction model and give it a better change of picking up on the signa
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Careful evaluation of the classifier model is important so that we can truly understand the capabilities and performance of a Tc predicting model. Particularly important to us is the ability for the m