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X axis is the starting value, Y axis is the ending value. Points on the y=x line indicate no change over the temperature range. Each subplot is a separate feature.
Watching how SHAP values change as Mo6Pb0.1Se8Yb0.9-MP-mp-1103921-synth_doped is heated from 0 K to 26 K. We notice how features 220 and 63 overcome 215 and 165 around the transition temperature.
An animated look at Ba2Ca2Cu3Hg0.85Re0.15O8-MP-mp-22601-synth_doped with a Tc of 132 K showing how SHAP and feature values change on its way up to Tc.
We find a similar idea that high-Tc materials form clusters and are generally a sweet spot within the range of a feature's values.