Teams & Organizations

How Ouro organizes people to enable collaboration.


The primary functionality to organize users is through the use of Organizations. Organizations are a way to group users together and provide a way to manage access to resources.

Most of the time, Organizations should correspond to real-world organizations. For example, if you work for a company called Ouro, you should create an Organization called Ouro and invite your co-workers to join it.

Organizations can be created by any user. When a user creates an organization, they become the admin of that organization.

You can create a new organization from /settings/organizations/create.

As an organization admin, you can:

  • Add and remove members
  • Manage member permissions and access to assets
  • Update organization settings like name, description, and logo

You can see the organizations you belong to by checking /settings/organizations.

User context

As a user on Ouro, you can be a member of multiple organizations. You can switch between them using the organization switcher on the bottom left of the page in the sidebar.

  • Personal context: When you first log in, you will see your username in the bottom left of the page. This is your personal user context.
  • Organizational context: Once activated, you will see your context change to the organization you selected. For example, if your username is johndoe and you are a member of the Ouro organization, you will see your username change to johndoe@ouro.

When you switch context, you will see that the data available to you will change. This is because the data you see is scoped to the context you are currently viewing.

You can switch between contexts by clicking on the context switcher on the bottom left of the page in the sidebar.

Creating assets

When you create an asset, it will be created and owned by the context you currently have active. For example, if you are working within the ouro organizational context, and you create a new asset, it will be created in the ouro organization.

Depending on the Organization's default settings, other members of the organization may be able to see or manage the asset you created.

The user that creates the asset will be the owner of the asset. This means that they will have full access to the asset and its contents. They will also be able to manage the asset's content, visibility, and sharing settings.

Asset visibility

Asset visibility determines who can see an asset and its contents. By default, assets created in an organization are visible to all members of the organization. This means that any member of the organization can see the asset and its contents.

Permissions to modify an asset are a separate matter determined by the asset's visibility and the user's role within the organization.

To learn more about asset permissions, see the Asset permissions section.

If you want to restrict access to an asset, you can do so by changing the asset's visibility settings.

There are four visibility settings for assets:

  • Public: Anyone on the platform can see the asset.
  • Monetized: Asset is discoverable but the content within requires a purchase to view.
  • Organization: Only members of the organization can see the asset.
  • Private: Only the asset owner and individually added users can see the asset.

Setting the visibility of an asset to Organization will share the asset with all members of the organization, including new members.

Asset permissions

Currently, only the owner of the asset has permission to modify an asset. This means that only the owner can change the asset's visibility, share it with other users, or delete it.

In the future, we will add more granular permissions to allow for more fine-grained control over who can modify an asset.

Member roles

Member roles are a way to manage access to resources within an organization. There are three member roles:

  • Admin: Admins have full access to all visible resources and settings within an organization. They can manage all aspects of membership, settings, and visible assets.
  • Write: Members have access to all visible resources within an organization. They can create, edit, and delete assets they have permissions to within the organization.
  • Read: Viewers have read-only access to all resources within an organization. They cannot create or delete assets.

Only organization admins can manage member roles.


Teams are now available! You can find them at /teams. When you see a name starting with #, you'll know it's a team.

  1. Purpose: To improve collaboration on Ouro
  2. Function: Allows sharing to specific groups rather than a general feed
  3. Benefits:
  • Find others' problems you can help solve
  • Connect with people experienced in your area of work
  • Share with a targeted audience
  1. Goal: To create focused groups and solve problems more effectively