7 minute read

Welcome to Ouro

In the coming days, a significant milestone will be reached as Ouro becomes an incorporated entity. Let us take this opportunity to reflect on this moment in time and to look forward to what lies ahead for our foundation. While we're still at the beginning, this moment is a pivotal marker in the journey to bring Ouro to life.

A seed has been planted

At the brink of this new chapter, I find myself reflecting on the role of unconventional ideas in shaping our path. The very foundation of Ouro was modeled after the ideas and symbolism of ancient Alchemy.

Through their experiments and symbolic interpretations, alchemists aimed to uncover the secrets of nature. They sought a unified theory that would explain the material and spiritual world, believing that everything in the universe was interconnected.

It's a framework based on nature itself. Or perhaps a framework to understand nature. With everything we've been able to achieve with technology, our creations pale still in comparasion to what the Universe has created.

The closer we can get to understanding how Nature works, the better we can work in harmony with this understanding. I say, work in harmony, but I recognize that is not a guarantee. Exemplified by the creation of atomic weapons, humanity has shown that a greater understanding of nature does not correspond to an equal level of spiritual understanding.

Humanity will continue to look towards nature for inspiration for our technology. We will attempt to recreate with our technology all the things that nature does effortlessly.

My hope for Ouro is that it can be a place where both external (natural) and internal (personal) understanding grow as we undoubtably continue our technological persuits.

By reconnecting to a time in history when the lines between God and science, the inner self and the outer world, and the individual and community were less defined, I'm confident we can deepen our understanding of both domains.

The spirit we carry forward

While I've yet to confirm or deny astrology's empirical validity, I'm inspired by the exercise of engaging with it as though its principles hold some value. Adopting this perspective is more than an intellectual curiosity — it's a critical stance in a world where mainstream science often presents itself as the final arbiter of knowledge, leaving little room for the mysteries that still pervade our understanding of the universe.

At Ouro, questioning assumptions and fostering curiosity are not just encouraged; they are foundational principles. We believe that true innovation arises not from accepting established truths at face value but from daring to ask "what if?" and "why not?"

Mercury enters Aquarius

The astrological symbols for Mercury, the messager, and Aquarius, the water-carrier

As we look forward to the journey ahead, it's worth noting the synchronistic timing of Mercury entering Aquarius upon our foundation. This celestial event heralds a shift in astrological energy that feels deeply aligned with our mission.

Mercury, the planet that governs communication, thought processes, and the exchange of information, finds a resonance with Aquarius. Known for its forward-thinking, innovative, and sometimes unconventional traits, Aquarius embodies the spirit of progress and intellectual exploration. This alignment emphasizes innovation, intellectuality, and a break from the conventional, mirroring the essence of what Ouro stands for.

A challenge for this community

As Mercury transitions into Aquarius, our collective intellectual landscape undergoes a transformative shift. This period is distinguished by a surge in groundbreaking ideas and a newfound willingness to question and redefine the boundaries of traditional thought. Aquarius, with its hallmark forward-thinking and progressive traits, influences our communication and thought processes, infusing them with a creative and unconventional energy.

During this time, the essence of our discussions evolves, becoming more aligned with intellectual pursuits and the exploration of complex concepts. There's a drive towards not just understanding the world as it is but imagining it as it could be.

Moreover, the independence and originality prized by Aquarius inspire a distinct shift in our thinking patterns. Encouraged to venture beyond conventional wisdom, we find ourselves emboldened to follow our unique insights and intuitions. It pushes us to not only envision innovative solutions but to trust in the unique perspectives each of us brings to the table.

In this period of Mercury in Aquarius, the call to think differently is not just an intellectual exercise but a practical guidepost for our collective journey. It beckons us to embrace a future-oriented mindset, where the sharing of ideas and collaborative innovation are not just strategies but the very foundation of our approach to reimagining the future.

As we move forward, let's carry with us this spirit of inquiry and openness that defines our mission. With this child-like mindset, we'll discover new horizons and redefine what's possible.

A fresh perspective

In this spirit, I've been exploring the work of Rupert Sheldrake, a thinker who dares to challenge some of science's most deeply held assumptions. I invite you to check out some of his work, like this talk masterfully illustrated by After Skool. Sheldrake introduces just a few of assumptions that may merit a closer examination.

"The science delusion is the belief that science already understands the nature of reality. The fundamental questions are answered, leaving only the details to be filled in."

The assumptions in question

  1. Nature is mechanical or machine-like, and the universe is like a machine. Animals and plants are seen as complex machines, and humans are viewed as machines with brains akin to computers.

  2. Matter is unconscious: The physical world is made of unconscious matter, and consciousness is a byproduct of physical processes.

  3. The laws of nature are fixed: The laws and constants of nature are constant and have remained the same since the Big Bang.

  4. The total amount of matter and energy is always the same (except at the moment of the Big Bang).

  5. Nature is purposeless, and evolution has no goal or direction.

  6. Biological heredity is material, contained in the genetic material within organisms and in no other way.

  7. Memories are stored as material traces in brains and are wiped out at death.

  8. The mind is inside the head: Mental phenomena are brain phenomena, and consciousness is a byproduct of brain activity.

  9. Psychic phenomena are illusory: Telepathy and other psychic phenomena are impossible and do not merit scientific investigation.

  10. Mechanistic medicine is the only kind that really works: Alternative and traditional therapies might appear to work, but any success they have is attributed to placebo effects or unexplained phenomena.

Let this be a reminder that the frontier of knowledge is always expanding, and at Ouro we're excited to be part of that journey of discovery.

Let this platform be a place where science can return a spirit of curiousity and that the ego of humanity doesn't get in the way of bringing us closer to the Truth.

Together towards tomorrow

Let us continue to carry with us the energies represented by this moment in time. With open minds and hearts, we will navigate this initial phase of growth, grounded in our shared values and uplifted by our collective vision for the future.

Let us continue to question, to explore, and to innovate. As we do, we'll not only redefine our understanding of what's possible but also make a meaningful impact on ourselves and the world around us. Here's to the journey ahead—may it be as bright and promising as the stars that guide us.

Looking forward to this journey together