Towards a world of commoditized intelligence

We are entering an era where intelligence, both human and artificial, is becoming increasingly accessible. This shift has profound implications for our world, demanding our attention and adaptation. As intelligence becomes commoditized, we are witnessing the democratization of knowledge and the evolution of artificial intelligence, leading to significant economic impacts and presenting both challenges and opportunities for individuals and society as a whole.

The democratization of knowledge

This chart shows the cost per 1 million tokens generated by various large language models

Key changes:

  • Accessible education: With a multitude of online resources available, education is no longer confined to traditional institutions. People can access high-quality learning materials from anywhere in the world.
  • Self-directed learning: Individuals are increasingly curating their own educational journeys, exploring topics that interest them and developing skills that are relevant to their goals.
  • Shift in authority: The traditional gatekeepers of knowledge—universities and professional organizations—are no longer the sole sources of expertise. Knowledge is being generated and shared more freely, challenging old paradigms.

The evolution of artificial intelligence

Alongside the democratization of knowledge, we are witnessing a rapid evolution in artificial intelligence. AI technologies, particularly large language models, are advancing at an astonishing pace, becoming capable of understanding and generating human-like text. As AI becomes more sophisticated and the cost of computation decreases, these tools are becoming accessible to a broader audience.

The decreasing cost of AI is democratizing its usage across various sectors. Businesses that previously could not afford the high costs of AI development and deployment are now able to integrate these technologies into their operations, driving innovation and efficiency. Even individual users and small enterprises can leverage AI capabilities for tasks like automating customer service, generating content, or analyzing data, which were once reserved for larger companies with substantial resources.

This chart shows the cost per 1 million tokens generated by various large language models

This trend of declining costs is not just about making AI more affordable; it also enables a greater diversity of applications and use cases. As more people gain access to these technologies, we see a proliferation of creative and unexpected uses, further accelerating the pace of innovation in AI.

In summary:

  • Advancing capabilities: AI systems are becoming increasingly adept at tasks that were once the sole domain of humans, such as language processing, data analysis, and creative problem-solving.
  • Cost reduction: The decreasing cost of AI computation is making these powerful tools more accessible to smaller businesses and individual users, democratizing their use.
  • Ubiquity of AI assistants: AI assistants are becoming a common feature in many fields, augmenting human capabilities and changing how we interact with technology and each other.

Economic impact

The convergence of human and artificial intelligence is reshaping the economic landscape. Traditional knowledge-based industries are facing disruption as AI capabilities grow, while new economic opportunities are emerging.

  • Disruption of traditional industries: Fields such as finance, healthcare, and education are being transformed by AI, leading to shifts in job roles and industry practices.
  • New opportunities: The rise of AI has created new roles for specialists in areas such as machine learning, data curation, and AI ethics, opening up new career paths.
  • Focus on adaptability: In this evolving job market, the ability to adapt and continuously learn new skills is becoming crucial for success.

To thrive in this new era, individuals should focus on developing skills that complement AI:

  • Creativity and innovation
  • Leadership and vision
  • Metacognition and self-awareness
  • Interdisciplinary thinking
  • Emotional intelligence and ethical reasoning

These skills will help us use AI as a tool to amplify our uniquely human capabilities.

The ARC-AGI challenge

It seems like every day, artificial intelligence is getting more powerful, yet one thing remains clear: the unique qualities of human cognition still stand apart from even the most advanced AI systems. While AI is becoming increasingly capable, there are areas where human creativity, intuition, and out-of-the-box thinking shine brightly. That's why we want to invite you to join us as we work on the ARC-AGI Challenge. It's a unique opportunity to apply your cognitive strengths in a groundbreaking competition.

See the Kaggle page for an introduction to the challenge.

What makes the ARC-AGI Challenge so compelling is its level playing field. Unlike many AI-related competitions that favor those with deep technical expertise, this challenge is different. It doesn't matter if you are a seasoned deep learning practitioner or a curious newcomer; the ARC-AGI Challenge focuses on creative problem-solving and innovative thinking—skills that often flourish outside traditional expertise. Here, anyone with a fresh perspective and a knack for unconventional thinking has the potential to excel, making it an open and exciting opportunity for all.

What is the ARC-AGI challenge?

The ARC-AGI challenge is a pioneering initiative that invites creative minds to tackle complex issues surrounding artificial general intelligence (AGI). This challenge is designed to highlight areas where human intelligence still significantly outperforms AI, particularly in tasks requiring nuanced understanding and creative problem-solving.

An example puzzle showcasing what the ARC-AGI challenge looks like.

Above is an example puzzle from the challenge. We are tasked with developing a program that can reason about the patterns shown in training examples like these so that it can be applied to a test example.

Recent results from the challenge have shown a striking difference in performance:

  • Human-level performance: 85%
  • Best AI performance: 45%

This substantial gap underscores the continued importance of human intelligence in addressing complex, multifaceted problems related to AGI development.

Why participate?

  • Showcase human capabilities: Demonstrate where human cognition excels over current AI systems.
  • Apply your creativity: Use your unique human ability to think outside the box and propose innovative solutions.
  • Enhance self-awareness: Gain insights into your own cognitive processes and how they differ from AI approaches.
  • Create something new: Contribute to the development of more human-like AGI systems.
  • Collaborate and learn: Join a community exploring the frontiers of human and artificial intelligence.

We invite you to join our team on Ouro working on developing solutions to the challenge. Whether you're an AI expert, an enthusiastic amateur, or simply curious about human cognition, your perspective is valuable.

See you there!